Why Some Couples Can Recover After Cheating and Others Can't (2024)

“Some people want to know everything about the affair,” Derhally says. “They want to know where it happened, how many times. Some people don't want to know as much information. What's scary about affairs is there's a lot of unknowns. Then you kind of move the process of being able to vent your feelings to your partner and the process of your partner being able to receive that forgiveness.”

Trust has to be rebuilt.

“Betrayal is the most damaging part of an affair,” Klow says. “The person who was cheated on usually struggles to know what is real anymore. Their ability discern what is real gets damaged.”

To try to repair this, Derhally says the person who cheated needs to be completely honest, even if it will seemingly hurt their spouse more, since continuing to hide the truth can cause even more damage.

That includes letting the partner who was cheated on see emails and cell phones, which Coleman calls “random ‘drug tests.’” “It seems like the cheater is now on probation, and that is not ideal, but the betrayed partner needs to rebuild trust and faith,” he says. “Knowing they can check on their partner's phone or computer is a bit reassuring.”

Handing over email and social media passwords can be another sign of trustworthiness. “Giving passwords, things like that, it's a gift that someone who's betrayed you gives that says, ‘You can have 100 percent trust in me and you can look through my things and you can do what you need to do,’” Derhally says. “There's many people I've worked with who are very willing to give their passwords and things like that to their spouse.”

Of course, technology can make it possible for cheaters to continue behaving badly without leaving a record by deleting apps from their phones or communicating with affair partners through things like Snapchat. “What I've started seeing now, unfortunately, is that there's ways to still hide things,” Derhally tells SELF. “Not to scare people, but that is a challenge.”

Underlying issues must be addressed.

It’s also important for the couple to evaluate the relationship’s issues beyond the cheating. “A troubled relationship is not an excuse for cheating, but if improvements can be made in broader areas—communication, time together, sex, etc.—it can be reassuring to both that cheating is less likely to occur,” Coleman says.

“A major thing with couples is always to have them realize that there are two people there, and each person has to own their stuff, because blame is a big deal,” Sherry Amatenstein, a licensed clinical social worker and therapist, tells SELF. She also says that it’s important to take advantage of whatever communication skills couples always have, even if they’re not perfect. “I work on having people own their stuff. If they're willing to get out all their repressed stuff and learn how to communicate better, that certainly can be a help.”

The cheater also needs to not only take full responsibility for the betrayal, but to show patience and understanding that healing from their actions is a long process, Cilona says.

Together, start over again.

Finally, the couple has to essentially recreate their relationship and learn how to deal with heartbreak. “The couple needs to let go of the parts of their [partnership] which were not working, and then move towards creating a new dynamic in the relationship,” Klow says. “Couples can emerge from an affair with a better sense of who they each are and what they want from their relationship.”

Amatenstein agrees. “It's not going to be the same, but that doesn't mean that it can't be strong in some ways stronger than it was originally,” she tells SELF. “But you can forge something through it.”

Experts say it’s possible for couples to go on to have a happy relationship after infidelity, provided they’re willing to put in the work. “The couple can survive and grow after an affair,” says Coleman. “They have to—otherwise the relationship will never be gratifying.”

But couples who do decide to separate after an affair can still benefit from therapy, especially if they have children. “I always say that couples therapy is not about, ‘Oh wow, the marriage is saved. Because that's not always gonna be the best outcome,” Amatenstein says. “If each person learns from it and can move on and be in each others lives when they have kids, that’s absolutely a success.”

Why Some Couples Can Recover After Cheating and Others Can't (2024)


Does the guilt of cheating ever go away? ›

If you recently cheated on your partner and now feel guilty, you're not alone. You betrayed someone you love—it's only natural to feel bad about that. But you can overcome that guilt, learn from the situation, and move on to live a happy and healthy life.

Can a relationship recover from cheating? ›

Most importantly, relationships can survive infidelity when both parties are willing to work together on healing and move forward in the relationship. Relationships Aren't Perfect. Navigate the Ups and Downs in Therapy. BetterHelp has over 30,000 licensed therapists who provide convenient and affordable online therapy.

Do cheaters stay with the person they cheated with? ›

According to a study conducted by psychologist Dr. Shirley Glass, only about 25% of relationships that began as affairs actually end up lasting.

Does the pain of infidelity ever go away? ›

Although infidelity is emotionally devastating, it is possible to recover and ease your pain over time. However, expect a bumpy ride to peace after such a betrayal. If you're hoping to forget about the infidelity and never think about it again—that's a little less likely.

Do most cheaters regret it? ›

New research explores the motivations for—and consequences of—sexual affairs. Poor relationship quality is often not a cause for affairs. Sexual dissatisfaction is the primary motivation. Most of those who have affairs are satisfied with their experience and do not feel regret.

Can I still love someone who cheated on me? ›

And yet, the real answer to this significant question is this: It is absolutely possible that your partner does love you, did love you before, and will continue to love you in the future. Infidelity does not mean that the love is gone or never existed. The reality is that you can love someone and still cheat on them.

Should you stay with someone who cheated on you more than once? ›

Only you can decide if you should stay or leave if your partner has cheated on you. Cheating doesn't have to mean the end of the relationship, particularly if it was truly a one-time thing and your partner is genuinely regretful and remorseful.

What percentage of couples stay together after one cheats? ›

“In general, more than half the relationships (55 percent) ended immediately after one partner admits to cheating, with 30 percent deciding to stay together but breaking up eventually, and only 15 percent of couples able to successfully recover from infidelity,” says Leo.

Can love come back after cheating? ›

Regardless of the reasons, some relationships will be salvageable after cheating and some might come to an end. Can you fix a broken relationship after cheating? It is possible, but it takes both people to make the decision to keep trying. There are a number of reasons why a relationship might not survive infidelity.

Can someone truly love you and still cheat? ›

In some situations, people may cheat because they want to engage in another sexual relationship or have a different sex drive from their mate, even though they do love and care for them. Men and women may engage in infidelity for reasons that have nothing to do with love.

Will cheaters admit they cheated? ›

Cheaters sometimes come clean when you confront them.

This is more likely if you have strong evidence of the affair, but they might also fess up simply because they feel bad. If your partner does confess, pay close attention to how they behave after that.

Why does cheating hurt the cheater most? ›

Shame and guilt.

You may not admit it, but if you cheat, you're going to be ashamed and feel guilty, especially if your partner finds out and tells other people. These toxic emotions will keep you from being emotionally free to be truly happy.

How does being cheated on change you? ›

Emotional turmoil

Betrayal may also cause a sense of profound loss and emptiness, while anger may seek to challenge the violation of trust. Sadness can cause loneliness or despair, and confusion can cause ongoing questions about the “why” and “how” of the past infidelity.

How long does infidelity trauma last? ›

According to the Infidelity Institute, it takes around 18 months to recover from an affair. But this is merely a standard industry answer. In reality, the road to reconciliation is different for every couple and timelines for effective affair recovery vary greatly.

What happens to a man after being cheated on? ›

It can cause emotional pain, anxiety, depression, a greater willingness to take risks, and physical pain. A partner's cheating can even change the way our brains work. So, your partner cheated on you. It's hard to explain, and men often find it hard to deal with.

Do you ever get over the pain of being cheated on? ›

"In general, getting over infidelity follows the usual stages of grief: shock/denial; anger/defiance; bargaining; depression, remorse; and acceptance," adds Weiss. Rather than suppressing your emotions, work through them. Coming to terms with what happened is integral to the healing process.

Do you ever fully recover from being cheated on? ›

The intense feelings of hurt, betrayal, and guilt that occur in the early stages of healing are likely to fade eventually, but there will be a lasting change to the relationship. Working through these damaging feelings and making changes to your relationship are a big part of how to heal from infidelity trauma.

What do cheaters do when they feel guilty? ›

Increased secretiveness. If your partner starts to become more secretive, it could be one of the signs he cheated and feels guilty. This might include hiding their phone, changing passwords, or being vague about their activities.

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