Danny Phantom S 3 E 8 Boxed Up Fury »
RecapProduced 2006, aired in U.S. on 8/21/07
Production order: 45 (3-8)
BEWARE! Tired of being a Harmless Villain, the Box Ghost sets out to prove he can be as terrifying, dangerous, and evil as the rest of the Rogues Gallery. How? With the most powerful, most evil box in history: Pandora's. After he steals it and unleashes its horrors on Earth, Danny has to take a stroll through Greek mythology to find Pandora herself to help him stop the mythological mayhem.
This episode provides examples of:
- Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking:
Danny: Plagues, pestilence, boy bands...whoah, this is one evil box.
- Artifact of Doom: Pandora's box drives someone more and more insane the more they open it.
- Badass Family: The only time we see Jazz fighting ghosts alongside both her parents, and since Danny's in the fight too (in ghost form), the only time the entire Fenton family fights at once and on the same side.
- The Bad Guy Wins: While the Box Ghost is defeated by the end of the episode, his primary goal of gaining a little respect is accomplished as he gets a bounty of fifty dollars.
- Bait-and-Switch: When Box Ghost unleashes an attack that seems to hit Jack, he screams and Maddie asks if he's okay. Turns out Jack just burned his tongue on his s'mores.
- Beware the Silly Ones: This episode perfectly shows what can happen if you don't treat any villain seriously.
- Borrowed Catchphrase: At the episode's end, Danny and Pandora watch as the Box Ghost has to finish cleaning up her yard as punishment. Danny throws him a garden rake and mockingly says, "BEWARE!"
Danny: (chuckles) Hey, that is kind of fun to say.
- Chronic Hero Syndrome: Poor Danny just can't ignore a ghost attack, no matter how annoying.
Danny: (trying to enjoy a picnic) If I hear "BEWARE!" one more time, I'll...
Box Ghost: BEWARE!
Danny: (sighs) ... sigh and put down my sandwich.
- Crazy-Prepared: Played for Laughs with Jack's s'mores materials, which he carries around if there's ever a fire. It also helps that Pandora really likes them.
Jack Fenton: And with this fire we can make s'mores, huh. I knew carrying around graham crackers, chocolate bars, and marshmallows would pay off some day.
- A Day in the Limelight: For the Box Ghost.
- Epic Fail: While barbecuing in the park, Jack somehow caused the grill to explode.
- Foreshadowing: At the beginning of the episode, Walker's men are seen putting up a wanted sign for Wulf, indicating that he's on the loose, setting things up for the plot of "Claw Of The Wild".
- From Bad to Worse: The evils released from the Box get worse each time it's opened. Theoretically.
Tucker: Who puts snakes before frogs?
- From Nobody to Nightmare: The Box Ghost, for this episode.
- Gilligan Cut: Danny says he hopes everything is going okay at Amity Park. Cut to Amity Park, and a news anchor informs us everything is chaos.
- Gondor Calls for Aid: Rather than fight the Box Ghost, Danny decides to bring Pandora to get her Box back.
- Graceful Loser: Despite being defeated (and suffering a massive beatdown from Pandora), the Box Ghost doesn't mind as his bounty has been raised to fifty bucks.
- Great Big Book of Everything: Good thing Sam just happened to have the Greek mythology version on her.
- Historical Badass Upgrade: Suffice it to say that the Pandora of mythology wasn't the feared, hot-blooded warrior she is here.
- Inventional Wisdom: Apparently, Pandora's Box has a spew/suck switch on the button. She bemoans that she knew it would come back to haunt her.
- Irony: Panoptes, the hundred-eyed giant, admits to the ghost police that he didn't get a good look at the Box Ghost as he made off with Pandora's Box.
- Let Us Never Speak of This Again: After Danny saves Skulker from a monstrous unicorn, Skulker remarks he won't tell anyone about it if he won't.
- Literal Metaphor: When Box Ghost unleashes a shower of sandwiches from his ghostly lunch box, he tells all around to taste his wrath. Danny and Tucker take bites of the sandwiches.
- The Maze: In this universe, not just the Minotaur but a bunch of other Greek mythological creatures like the Cyclops live in the Labyrinth.
- Noodle Incident: After the theme song, the episode opens with the trio recounting several weird recent attacks by the Box Ghost that the audience didn't get to see.
- Nose Nuggets: Box Ghost fights Danny's fire with his horse's phlegm.
- Not-So-Harmless Villain: The Episode.
- Poke the Poodle: All of the Box Ghost's pre-Pandora's Box theft attempts at being a menacing villain succumb to this.
- Pre Ass Kicking One Liner: Parodied to perfection as three of the Fentons attack the hydra.
Jazz: Eat my fire, dragon-breath!
Maddie: Ten heads, meet nine tails!
Jack: I don't have a clever quip!
- Price on Their Head: The plot is triggered by the Box Ghost learning the bounty for him is $2.50 ("Or Best Offer"). His hijinks with Pandora's Box get it up to $50.
- Real After All: Sam probably wasn't the only one who never thought Pandora's Box was real.
- Red and Black and Evil All Over: The Box Ghost's color scheme turns to red and black after he uses the Box for a while.
- Sadly Mythtaken: In Greek Mythology, Pandora isn't the one who created the Box, she was simply given the box by Zeus. Furthermore, it was actually a jar rather than a box.
- Save the Villain: Danny saves Skulker. From a herd of evil unicorns...unleashed by Box Ghost.
Skulker: I won't tell anyone about this if you won't.
Danny: Deal. - Sealed Evil in a Can: Like in the myth, this is the purpose of the Box. Unlike the myth, Pandora created the Box to trap and contain evil forces and creatures that threatened the world (a detail that somehow got lost over the centuries).
- Snakes Are Sinister: One of the Box's "evils" is snakes.
- Tongue Trauma: Jack is almost hit by a blast. He screams, but it turns out he's burned his tongue.
- Villain Opening Scene: The episode begins with Box Ghost learning that he's the laughingstock of the Ghost Zone, and vows to show what he's truly capable of.
- "Wanted!" Poster: And, in the Box Ghost's case, a "Not Wanted" poster.
- Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Spoken word for word when the snakes surround Tucker and Sam.
- With Great Power Comes Great Insanity: The effect of opening Pandora's Box multiple times. Not only does the Box Ghost start to sound menacing and evil, but he becomes powerful enough to actually give Danny and Pandora a tough time.